Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Day 2-- What day is it?

**Sorry for the delay--technical difficulties!

I am currently on the plane from Hong Kong to Ho Chi Minh city, in between a sleeping Rachel and sleeping Kohler. This is our third and final flight of the day (two days??) and I think we are very grateful for that. 

The worst part was probably the first five hours of the 15 hour flight. I fell asleep for an hour, watched a movie, listened to music (the media on the plane had a BeyoncĂ© playlist); and every time I looked at the map on my screen, it was as if we had barely left Chicago. Hours 7 to 11 of the flight are a blur to me, filled with long naps and short periods of actually being awake. Highlights of the flights include actually eating the airplane food and being able to see the cities as we were landing in them. 

After the second (and longest) flight of our three flights, we had about three hours in the Hong Kong airport. A bunch of us got food as others tried to finish their pre-departure papers.

As said before we are on our last and final flight until we come home in two weeks. There is about a hour left of this flight and when we land the plan is to get our bags and get on a bus to go to the hotel. Tomorrow starts early with a reception at the University of Economics and Finance (UEF). Hopefully by that time we'll have a good idea of what day it is!

First airplane meal on the 15 hour flight. YUM.
Candy in the Hong Kong Airport


20 happy kids in the Hong Kong airport

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